KATHINKAs GESANG - Karlheinz Stockhausen

"AUS LICHT" was the biggest production in history of the so-called opera by K. Stockhausen, produced by the Holland Festival in 2019. I was the solo flutist in the piece KATHINKAs GESANG, written for a black cat (flute) and the 6 senses (percussionists). You can listen to an extract of the piece by clicking on the playlist below and selecting the track: Die Entlassung Der Sinne.

“Marta Gómez Alonso, in the flute solo “Kathinka’s Chant as Lucifer’s Requiem,” written originally for Ms. Pasveer, was fearless in demonstrating the sonic possibilities of her instrument.”

Joshua Barone, NY Times

"...the music is wonderful. Especially when the mercury-like flute triplets, quarter-tone bends and rasp sounds are brought to life as sensitively as by the incomparable Marta Gómez Alonso.”

Mischa Spel, Joep Stapel and Joep Christenhusz, NRC

"Marta Gómez Alonso [...] moved smoothly in stairs in a black cat costume, whistling past the musical notes. A wealth of timbre and accents, from stark to sweet, from the highest register to amazingly bass-like sounds, descended on the silent listening audience"

Franz Straatman, Place de l'Opera

"Alongside the hieratic tableaux, I will long remember the virtuoso turns by solo performers, who gave this suprahuman work a human immediacy (...) Marta Gómez Alonso brought soulful precision to an extended flute solo in “Kathinka’s Song.”"

Alex Ross, The New Yorker


In December 2021 the first project of the opera "AUS LICHT" by K. Stockhausen occurred, promoted by the Spanish percussion ensemble NEOPERCUSIÓN (https://neopercusion.es). I was one of the musicians involved, playing again KATHINKAs GESANG and two new pieces for me: FLAUTINA for solo flute, alto flute and piccolo, and BIJOU, a duo for alto flute and bass clarinet with tape. Here you can see some pictures and the programme performed.
